Expression of what your impact brand stands for.

Timeless and unique, touching your feelings.

Impactful, lasting and appealing by linking it to your heart.


Brand expression is about how you touch the senses. Impactful elements like brand name, logo, colors, graphics, shapes and sometimes even perfume & acoustic properties.

Iconic design.

We create timeless iconic expression for brands. Includes IP checks & registrations and guidelines for implementation on your materials. Cloud-based portals allow for easy access and consistent application.

Your name is forever.

A unique brand name is a link between people, both inside and outside your organisation. The combination of your brand name and logo should be a distinctive, relevant and powerful verbal and visual trigger.

We offer you experienced and passionate experts in the field of brand naming, brand descriptors, brand & corporate graphic design and brand architecture.

We develop brand naming and messaging that truly resonates with all relevant audiences in a meaningful, appealing and engaging way. And on the fly, we take care of IP stuff.


How we do it?

Brand strategy as starting point

Review of a long list of options

Creation of extra names

Selection of a short list

Design the short list names

Perform IP & URL checks

Final choice and registration

What you get!

A unique, distinguished brand name that could last centuries or longer…